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Mum, Now That I Am 14, Can I Wear A Bra?
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Never thought a conversation like this could take place!
"Mom, can I ask you about something?"
"Sure! What about?"
"You see, I'm already 14 and...I think it's only proper that I own one."
"And what is this 'one' you're referring to?"
"Could you buy me a neat set of brassiere?"
"It will be just proper at my age..."
"I said no!"
"But all my friends wear..."
"David! How many times must I tell you that bras are for girls?!"
posted by andariel @ 5:12 PM   0 comments
Send-Me-Stuff Blog??!
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
I came across this during one of my arduous yet colorful blogging journeys. HE begs for items to be sent to him. AND to date, he has had managed to put together what I think is a pretty LONG list of things he has received from companies and businesses around the globe. He puts a bad name to leeches, does he not?
posted by andariel @ 8:19 PM   0 comments
Guess who's blog I came across whilst I was blog hopping? Afdlin Shauki's! That man is amazing. His entire skeletal system is made up of funny bones! I got a real kick from reading all his entries. But humour aside, he has vision! He does! I saw more than just the hilarious facade he portrays! I have actually decided to feature his keyart for his latest project entitled 'SUMOLAH'. This movie will be released tentatively in February 2007. I don't have to know the storyline to know that it's going to be a scream! Stare hard at the keyart and you will get my drift!
posted by andariel @ 3:49 PM   0 comments
Pasca Pementasan 'Puteri Gunung Ledang The Musical'
Aku bukan pengkritik bertauliah. Aku juga bukan peminat teater mati keras. Keputusan untuk menonton Puteri Gunung Ledang The Musical di Esplanade telah aku buat berdasarkan publisiti pementasan yang cukup meluas. Sana sini para penggiat seni menggembar-gemburkan kehebatan pementasan ini.
Barisan pelakon yang cukup gah juga seakan-akan menyeru aku untuk mendapatkan tiket dengan segera. Manakan tidak? Tiara Jacquelina merupakan nama yang tidak asing lagi di kalangan masyarakat Nusantara. (Aku mengenali Tiara sebagai bekas isteri Allahyarham Hani Mohsin) Kesungguhannya menjayakan filem Puteri Gunung Ledang di samping M. Nasir dulu memang tidak dapat dipertikaikan. Stephen Rahman-Hughes. Nama yang agak asing pada pendengaranku sebenarnya seorang yang memang tidak asing lagi dalam persada seni antarabangsa. Kesudiannya untuk melibatkan diri dalam pementasan muzikal ini sudah cukup membuat aku bangga. Mat Saleh yang satu ini sanggup bertungkus-lumus menguasai Bahasa Melayu dalam masa 3 bulan demi mendalami watak Hang Tuah dengan lebih baik. Tidak pun dia rasa jengkel dengan Bahasa Melayu. Tidak seperti sesetengah kenalan aku yang rasa cukup malu berbual dalam bahasa sendiri. (Nak cakap mereka menguasai Bahasa Inggeris yang diagung-agungkan tu pun tidak boleh. English fail!) Adlin Aman Ramlie tidak kurang hebatnya. Aura yang aku rasakan bila menyaksikan kehebatannya menjadi Sultan Mahmud memang menggetarkan seluruh jiwaku! (Oh ya, teman aku cakap dia sebenarnya anak A.R. Tompel! Sungguh tidak kusangka!) AC Mizal sebagai Gusti Adipati memang mengena! Selama ini, aku kurang yakin dengannya. Maklumlah, aku banyak saksikan lakonannya sebagai pegawai polis dalam drama dan filem Gerak Khas. Kurang mencabar. Yalal Chin juga hebat! Watak-watak sampingan yang lain semuanya menjadi! Penari-penari juga tidak menghampakan.
Memang semestinya jalan cerita sudah diubah. Jauh berbeza dari apa yang sebenarnya berlaku. Fokus Puteri Gunung Ledang The Musical adalah pada percintaan antara Gusti Puteri Raden Adjeng Retno Dumilah dengan Laksamana Hang Tuah. (Ala-ala star crossed lovers dalam kisah Romeo & Juliet) Memang manis. Menyentuh jiwa. Cuma yang membimbangkan, sewaktu aku menyaksikan pementasan ini di Esplanade, ada juga penonton-penonton bukan Melayu. Yang mungkin kurang arif dengan sejarah Melayu. Takut pula jika mereka menyalah tafsir inti sebenar kisah Puteri Gunung Ledang. Dalam pementasan ini juga, daulat raja; sumpah Sultan Mahmud itu kurang kesannya. Tidak diperkukuh. Ketaatan Tuah kepada Sultannya juga tidak terasa. Tetapi, memandangkan ini muzikal, pementasan yang seharusnya berakhir dengan tawa riang, aku tabik!
Memang cantik. Cukup memukau. Teruja aku. Aku rasa pementasan ini cukup memuaskan aku sebagai penonton. Berbaloi rasanya penantian. Mungkin sehebat pementasan-pementasan BROADWAY! Mungkin ada yang kurang setuju, tetapi pementasan ini memang sudah tentu boleh dibanggakan di pentas antarabangsa. Memang world ah!
posted by andariel @ 2:23 PM   0 comments
Cab oh Cab...
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Aku bengang lagi tadi pagi. Ok ok, aku story sikit. Aku ke tanah perkuburan Pusara Abadi. Choa Chu Kang sana. Dengan keluarga. Memang dah jadi amalan bulanan. Pergi balik memang naik teksi. Aku memang tak boleh naik bentuk pengangkutan yang lain kalau jalan jauh. Boleh pengsan! Kita sampai dalam pukul 9.30 pagi. Lengang! Macam biasa kita pun mulakan rutin. Sedekahkan Yasin untuk arwah ayah. Kemudian, bersihkan kawasan kubur yang agak basah dan lecak dek hujan lebat sejak beberapa hari yang lalu. Selalunya, kita selesai semuanya dalam masa 40 minit.
Hari ni, aku ingat nak elak kesukaran dapatkan teksi untuk pulang. Jadi awal-awal lagi aku dah call teksi. Bila bab call teksi, darah aku memang selalu naik! Pagi-pagi buta pun susah nak dapat teksi! Percaya tak, aku tekap telefon bimbit aku sampai leper cuping telinga aku. Cab tak dapat lagi!! Tunggu punya tunggu sampai dah nak setengah jam. Baru si operator cakap dia dah dapatkan aku satu cab. C*****t cab 'blue color one ok. Come about 5-7 minutes time ok?' Yelah, yelah. Banyak kau punya 5.-7 minutes. Aku pun lepak duduk pat curb. Tepi Block 26. Dah jadi macam picnic lak. Rasa terik mentari pagi menggigit kulit aku. Angin sepoi-sepoi lak tu. Cuma hari ni, ada sikit tengek bau angin yang menderu tu. Bau baja. Baja lembu kot! Mak aku dah lemau. Sambil menggigit muruku, dia tinjau-tinjau teksi-teksi yang ada. Satu biji cab pun takdelah mak...
Kita tunggu sekejap, lepas tu nampak satu cab dengan nombor plat yang dah si operator tu bagi datang. Tapi yang buat aku bingit, bila kita lambai dan kejar, si pemandu cab tu terus cabut! Dia belot ambik penumpang lain!! Ya rabbi!! Aku rasa macam nak pekik-pekau pat situ. Aku rasa ahli kubur tentu bangkit suruh aku diam. Mana ada cab driver yang belot sampai gitu! Aku naik darah dan sebelum darah aku memancut keluar dari ubun-ubun aku, si cab operator call aku. Cakap dia akan carikan cab lain. Aku dah tak larat nak marah, layankan jer. Kita orang pun balik pat spot tadi tepi Block 26, sambung picnic yang tergendala.
Percaya tak, kita tunggu sampai dah nak masuk 40 minit. Baru si operator tu cakap ada cab. Dia kasi nombor plat. Aku dah mula reda. Tunggu lagi. Si operator cab telefon lagi, dia cakap 'that uncle in cemetary already, Path 5. Where are you?' Path 5?? Aku bilang dia, 'Eh, Path 20 lah, not Path 5! That one your grave ah?' Kita berempat dah macam tahu lembik . Terhoyong-hayang, sampailah kita nampak ada satu cab. Pakcik cab tu pun tengah frust sebab penumpang dia dah belot. Cabut! Cantik ah tu. Adik aku negotiate, suruh dia ambik kita sudah. Pakcik tu pun setuju! Selamat! Bila sahaja aku dapat duduk dalam cab, tenang sikit aku rasa badan aku. Syiok punya duduk sampai aku tak sedar aku dah terdudukkan pakcik tu punya shades. Haha. Kesian pakcik. Dan kesian aku, sebab asyik alami pengalaman-pengalaman nonsense macam gini.
posted by andariel @ 2:06 PM   0 comments
Tampines Shoe Thief - Pencuri Kasut di Tampines
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Selepas jam 8 malam.
Setelah bermaafan dan bersalaman.
Melangkah keluar dari rumahnya.
Aku dapati..
[Andariel-Monolog] Mana kasut aku? Eh, biar betul ni, kasut aku hilang?
Memandang ke arah raut wajahnya yang nakal
[Andariel-Monolog] Mungkin dia sembunyikan kot...Kalau dia sembunyikan, bila pulak dia carik chan?
Memandang ke arah raut wajahnya sekali lagi
[Andariel-Monolog] Tak mungkin ah. Apa hal dia nak sembunyikan kasut aku yang glamour tu? Kalau nak gurau, takkan sembunyikan kasut kot?
Aku terus buat tak kisah dengan keadaan aku yang masih tidak berkasut. Mana boleh takde orang perasan. Tiba-tiba...
[M] Ok lah, kita jalan dulu.
[Andariel] Eh, nanti, nanti. Takkan ah nak jalan tak pakai kasut.
[M] Lah...pakailah kasutnya. Apa lagi tunggu? (bengang)
[Andariel] Kasut takde!! (tension)
[CA] Lerr, mana boleh kasut hilang? Tadi kan ada? Letak kat mana kasutnya?
[Andariel] Tepi ni, takde pun sorok kat hujung-hujung! (terus tension) Ada yang sembunyikan ke?
[CA] Siapa yang nak sembunyikan kasut tu? Jadi kerja nak buat tu semua.
[Andariel] Kalau tak sembunyikan, macam mana lak boleh hilang? (kelu)
Semua bersungguh-sungguh ke hulu ke hilir meninjau-ninjau. Hampa. Lebih-lebih lagi aku. Kasut tu aku dah planning nak pakai gi PGL tau!! Sekarang dah hilang! Nak cakap baru takdelah jugak. Tapi masih berkilau. Masih cantik. Walau dalamnya dah rabak! Tu yang aku bengang. Nanti si pencuri kaprak tu tengok dah buruk, dia buang kasut aku tu. Kesian kasut!! Di manakah kau kasut?!!
posted by andariel @ 6:57 PM   0 comments
The holidays have been fantastic. I've done nothing but spend my days in bed. Not that kinda bed activities ok! My bed hasn't been made up nicely since... since... oh you can just imagine! Oh and yes. Eat your hearts out people. I am going to PGL tomorrow!!! VIP box mind you. I can't wait to rub shoulders with the casts. They were great in KL. They will be even greater in Singapore! I so truly deserve this!
posted by andariel @ 10:29 AM   0 comments
Marriage Woes
Friday, November 24, 2006
I did my budget for November. Yeah. This is really not me. But the sheer number of wedding invitations I received has forced me to turn to 'planning' my finances. Or I'd be worthless! Literally! It never crossed my mind how lucrative a wedding can be for the couple! Yeah! Now I wanna get hitched! Not! AND maddeningly enough, I came across these marriage jokes recently. It reeks of gender stereotypes! How is it that women get blamed for the glitches in a marriage? Typical of men to shift the blame.
Marriage Humor 1
In the beginning, God created earth and rested. Then God created man and rested. Then God created woman.
Since then,neither God nor man has rested.
Marriage Humor 2
Marriage is a three ring circus:
1.engagement ring ring
Marriage Humor 3
Married life is very frustrating. In the first year of marriage, the man speaks and the woman listens.
In the second year, the woman speaks and the man listens. In the third year, they both speak and the neighbors listen.
Marriage Humor 4
A couple came upon a wishing well. The husband leaned over, made a wish and threw in a penny. The wife decided to make a wish, too. But she leaned over too much, fell into the well, and drowned. The husband was stunned for a while but then smiled "It really works!"
Marriage Humor 5
First Guy (proudly) : "My wife's an angel!" Second Guy : "You're lucky, mine's still alive."
Marriage Humor 6
Before marriage, a man yearns for the woman he loves. After marriage, the "y" becomes silent.
posted by andariel @ 8:47 PM   0 comments
I am a little paranoid at the moment. I have been spending 2 days at home, listening out for the postman to come knocking at my door with MY registered mail. I ain't sure how long they usually take to process the mails but I'm pretty sure 2 days is taking it a bit too far. After all, I did pay an extra $2 for them to take bloody care of my mail! I will wait one more day, just one more day. And if I end up salivating by the door in desperation tomorrow, I will take my case to court. Well, maybe the court is too much. CASE will do just fine. Just wait till I lay my hands on that damn postman who was bestowed the responsibility of bringing me my precious mail! I will make sure he doesn't deliver a single letter to anyone as long as he still draws breath!
The poor postman did turn up at my door today (Saturday 25 November 2006 at exactly 1345 hours), looking utterly dishevelled. And wet. AND a little angry too I might add. But of course I didn't give two hoots about how he felt at that moment. All I know was that my cute little parcel has arrived. Graspsed firmly in his hands. I signed the receipt. Snatched the parcel. Shut the door (more like I slammed it in his face) Rushed to my room. Ejected the DVD tray. Ripped the parcel open. Took out the disc. Slotted it in. Yeah. I rest my case.
posted by andariel @ 8:08 PM   0 comments
Funny Feeling
A funny feeling nudged my insides the other day. Urging me to do what I dread most at the moment. It was done not because of my sense of responsibility. Least not out of love. He would have wanted us to do that. He loved them all. He never verbalised the feeling. It was his actions that spoke volumes. With that in mind, we solemnly (and grudgingly) made our way to LAS the other night. I was tensed up. I didn't know how to react (if there WAS something to react to). Nor what to say. It was stressful. But the visit proved to be a little different. I saw him. That night. When he spoke, I cried. Quietly. It was something I had no control over. I was sure I felt love. Warmth. Peppered with a sense of regret. And longing. I could not have asked for more. As the night crept up on us, I began to understand what that funny feeling really was. I never thought that after all this time, the memory of his sudden passing would have me choking back tears. The hectic schedule that I immersed myself in voluntarily always left me exhausted. Exhausted enough not to reminisce the past. I hide myself behind the walls of denials. Beneath shadows of 'strength'. After the visit, I was stripped bare. I felt vulnerable. Should I take this as a sign that my body has had enough? That my heart has reached its saturation point?
posted by andariel @ 11:32 AM   0 comments

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